Standard Chartered Nairobi Marathon to Incorporate Latest Technology in 2023 Competition

The organizers of the Standard Chartered Nairobi Marathon are seeking to achieve World Athletics Label status in this year’s series that will set the stage for global recognition should any race records be set.

The 20th edition of the Standard Chartered Nairobi Marathon is set to take place on 29th October and will attract over 25,000 local as well as international athletes.

Among the key changes the race has undertaken this year is a route modification exercise, which has been undertaken with the interest of elevating the race to match globally recognized standards. This has included shifting start times, ensuring distances are certified, and enhancing measures around timekeeping.

The Standard Chartered Nairobi Marathon’s Local Organizing Committee says that it is working towards moving the race to become one of the world’s class marathon events.

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“We are already above 5,000 registrations for this year and attaining World Athletics Label rating will be good because it will attract international elite athletes to this marathon and improve its competitiveness,” said George Kariuki from the Nairobi Standard Chartered Marathon Marshall.

This year’s marathon will be held at the Southern Bypass with the Uhuru Gardens as the marathon venue.

According to David Lawrence, Associate Principal Marketing, Standard Chartered Bank, the marathon day will feature seven race categories, namely the 42-kilometre men’s and women’s races, men’s, and women’s half marathon, men’s and women’s wheelchair half marathon alongside 10-kilometre races, a 10-kilometre CEO’s Challenge, five-kilometre Family Fun Run and the Corporate Relay Challenge.

20th Edition

Now in its 20th year, the Standard Chartered Nairobi Marathon has been providing a stage for national and international athletes to compete.

To ensure a clean race, the organizers are working closely with the Anti-Doping Agency (ADAK) where prize money will only be granted after a certification from ADAK like the previous editions.

The use of chip technology will also be employed to nab cheaters, ease registration, and help athletes gauge their performance in the competition.

David Lawrence says the race supports the bank’s sustainability agenda and raises funds for the Futuremakers program, the bank’s community initiative that aims to tackle inequality and promote greater economic inclusion for young people in local communities.

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