Intellimedia Networks Africa Kickstarts Expansion into Kenya and Region

US-based tech company Intellimedia Networks Africa has announced plans to scale its operations in the country.

In its debut in the African market the firm has begun training its inaugural group of trainees, who will be instrumental in deploying the firm connectivity solutions in Kenya and the region.

Chairman of Intellimedia Networks Africa, Alex Chesosi, described this expansion as a strategic move to unlock the untapped potential in technology and connectivity across the region.

He emphasized that this is more than just business expansion, terming it a commitment to transformation, nurtured talent, and regional economic growth.

“This move sets the stage for a revolutionary shift in digital connectivity that harmonizes with Africa’s developmental requirements and Kenya’s aspirations for digitization,” said Chesosi.

He added that The introduction of Intellimedia in Africa ushers in a new era of connectivity that stands ready to instigate transformation across the continent.

Through a comprehensive suite of solutions encompassing design, implementation, and support, they make significant strides in connecting remote communities, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, government entities, manufacturing enterprises, and beyond.

Chesosi maintained that connections with remote communities have the potential to fuel essential services like healthcare, education, and e-commerce.

“This, in turn, can cultivate socio-economic development even in the most secluded regions. The mission of Intellimedia encompasses critical sectors such as education and healthcare. By outfitting schools with advanced digital training solutions, these institutions gain access to global educational resources,” he added.

The emphasis on connectivity is in line with the sustainability goals set forth by the United Nations, drawing the attention of international businesses and investors keen on participating in Africa’s burgeoning market.

Intellimedia says its strategy aligns seamlessly with worldwide endeavors to expedite skill acquisition, diminish poverty, and uphold sustainability.

Through their commitment to affordable and easily accessible connectivity, they empower diverse sectors to flourish, thereby bolstering Africa’s advancement.

“A formal memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Konza Management signifies Intellimedia’s unwavering commitment to collaboration and forward-thinking. This strategic move is poised to fortify technological connectivity and educational initiatives in East Africa,” the firm said in  statement.

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Fri Aug 25 , 2023
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