OPPO’s Innovations in Economic Sustainability

By Fredrique Achieng

In the age of rapid technological advancement, the conversation around sustainability has become more critical than ever. As our world becomes increasingly interconnected through the use of electronic devices, the issue of electronic waste (e-waste) looms larger, posing significant challenges to both the environment and the economy.

Kenya, like many other nations, grapples with the mounting pile of e-waste, producing over 50,000 metric tonnes annually with insufficient recycling capacity.

In this context, it becomes imperative to explore how technology companies such as  OPPO are addressing these pressing issues while striving for economic sustainability.

OPPO’s intervention in mitigating the impact of e-waste is noteworthy. Through innovative approaches such as trade-in programs, they aim to limit the accumulation of electronic waste by encouraging users to responsibly dispose of their old devices.

Additionally, their commitment to using recyclable materials in the packaging of their devices underscores their dedication to reducing environmental footprint throughout the product lifecycle.

Aside from user encouragement to responsible disposal of their of their devices, OPPO continues to work on innovative technology that ensure the devices manufactured are able to stand the test of time.

One such initiative is OPPO’s proprietary Battery Health Engine which sustains a phones battery lifespan of OPPO devices for much longer than the industry standard typically 2 years. This is achieved this by solving issues with dead lithium, maintaining a battery capacity of 80% after more than four years of regular use.

One other strategy OPPO uses to address sustainability is through the  integration of AI technology in the manufacturing process that helps detect and address issues like chipset malfunction through contact use, thereby extending the lifespan of their devices and minimizing premature and frequent replacements.

OPPO continues to harness the power of AI, by optimizing resource utilization and minimize carbon footprint across their operations.

One such direction is the  of launch of AndesBrain IDC that relies on 100% renewable energy sources and employs immersion cooling technology to enhance energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

The development of such like centers 100% reliant on renewable energy helps reduce electrical energy demand and ultimately reducing carbon footprint of smart device manufactures.  

The marriage of AI, a highly demanding consumer electronics industry and sustainability exemplifies OPPO’s commitment to not only technological advancement but also responsible innovation. As AI becomes increasingly prevalent in various industries, including smartphone manufacturing, concerns about job displacement arise.

Yet, OPPO’s approach emphasizes collaboration, leveraging AI to enhance efficiency while preserving human craftsmanship and creativity.

Furthermore, industry-wide initiatives for sustainable manufacturing, such as the use of  recyclable materials and trade-in options, highlights OPPO’s proactive stance towards environmental stewardship. However, challenges persist, including the need to adapt to rapidly evolving climate conditions and technological trends.

As smartphone demand continues to soar, striking a balance between technological advancement and sustainable manufacturing practices becomes paramount.

OPPO is  committed  to addressing the link of technology and sustainability setting a commendable example for the industry. By embracing innovation while prioritizing environmental responsibility, they pave the way for a more sustainable future. As consumers, policymakers, and industry players, it is incumbent upon us to support and emulate such initiatives, ensuring that progress is not achieved at the expense of our planet’s well-being.

The Writer is the PR Manager, OPPO Kenya

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