Call For Innovators to Showcase Solutions to Kenya’s Food Systems Issues

AgriTech4Kenya has launched a new agri-food systems innovation challenge aimed at supporting startups, entrepreneurs and researchers tackle Kenya’s agricultural bottlenecks.

The initiative is designed to support international early-stage innovators in developing, deploying, and scaling high-impact, science-based agri-tech solutions tailored to the needs of smallholder farmers and agricultural value chain players across the country.

“By bridging the gap between research and market adoption, the AgriTech4Kenya Innovation Challenge has been launched with the goal of addressing the most critical challenges in Kenya’s agricultural value chain while driving economic growth, sustainability, and resilience,” Pangea Accelerator said in a statement.

AgriTech4Kenya is designed to meet local market demands by attracting top innovators to tackle the country’s most pressing agricultural bottlenecks and develop impactful, affordable solutions.

It focuses on creating a pipeline of deployable technologies that can be easily adopted by farmers and value chain actors, ensuring that innovations are not only effective but also accessible.

By nurturing an enabling environment, the initiative seeks to attract investments and reduce the risks associated with developing new technologies, fostering a landscape where innovation can thrive.

Kenya, despite its fertile land, faces persistent challenges in achieving food security.

With annual food imports exceeding $1.1 billion (Sh142billion) and the impacts of climate change and urbanization intensifying, the need for innovative solutions has never been more urgent.

The AgriTech4Kenya Innovation Challenge seeks to address these critical issues by fostering localized, science-based agri-tech innovations driven by market demand.

The program is specifically designed for agri-tech innovators globally who are developing science-based, tech-driven, and early-stage solutions rooted in, or applicable to, Kenya’s agricultural sector.

Applicants must have an existing minimum viable product (MVP) or proof of concept (POC) and will receive comprehensive support to build a solid go-to-market strategy.

This includes business mentorship, scientific technical validation, market opportunities, access to finance, and on-the-ground experimentation with end-users to pilot their solutions.

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In addition to external applicants,  Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research(CGIAR) scientists with a demonstrated willingness to adopt an entrepreneurial approach to their innovative research are encouraged to apply and benefit from the project’s offerings.

The Challenge will focus on several key priority areas, of which innovators will need to be aligned with at least one.

Among them are Sustainable Agricultural Production, Improved Market Access and Supply Chain Efficiency, Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Building for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion,Livestock Health and Disease Management,Equitable Finance and Investment Mechanisms and Water Use Efficiency and Sustainable Irrigation Practices

“These areas are crucial for addressing the unique challenges faced by Kenya’s agriculture sector and ensuring the development of solutions that are both impactful and sustainable, and driven by market demands.” said Pangea Accelerator said.

A key aspect of the AgriTech4Kenya Innovation Challenge is its emphasis on empowering rural communities, with a particular focus on women and young people.

By creating employment opportunities and building a skilled workforce, the initiative aims to propel economic growth in Kenya’s agricultural sector.

How to Apply

The AgriTech4Kenya Innovation Challenge 2024 is now open for applications. Innovators are encouraged to apply by September 11, 2024, 23:59 (GMT+3).

This is a unique opportunity to accelerate your impact and contribute to shaping the future of agriculture in Kenya, strengthening food security, and igniting economic growth across the country.

For more information: Visit the AgriTech4Kenya website

To apply: Access the AgriTech4Kenya application form 

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